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Morellic Clothing

Last updated Jul 22, 2024

# Overview

Morellic clothing is characterised by three things: Shape, Colour, and Material. These three elements come together to create a morellic garment.

# Colour

There are many dyes to choose from, all of which have different effects on different fabrics. Dyes are not used when tanning. Different dyes are used to create different feelings such as that of opulence, poverty, or occupation.

# Material

There are three most common types of material used in clothing;

# Firm

Firm materials are those like tanned leaves, thick fabric, or leather. They are usually very firm, thick, dark, and are used in pieces such as the waist-belt and tunic. They are usually made out of animal hide, felt, or longleaf.

# Elastic

Elastic material is self-explanatory; it is soft fabric that stretches. It is commonly used in places where stretching is common, such as the cuffs, waistband, and undershirt. They are commonly made out of fibres such as silk.

# Baggy

Baggy material is also fabric; it is generally pleated or draped over the body. They are generally created out of plant fibres such as flax or linen.

# Shape

There are many shapes that are indicative of a morellic garment. These are:

# Tunic

The tunics on morellic clothing are characterised by their cross-shaped overlap placed over the chest. This not only gives customisability as for how much skin to show around the neck, but also creates a pleasing V-neck shaped design. The tunic is commonly made out of firm material.

This cross-shaped overlap is created by using a long piece of material which is draped over the shoulders, overlapped, and tucked into the waist-belt. Sometimes, some additions are made, such as;

# Pins

In the case of pins, a circular or oblong pin is used to fasten the upper layer to the lower layer. These pins, similar to safety pins, are often decorated with cute pictures, symbols, and designs, and help the overlap to stay in place. One to three is the usual amount of pins used.

# Buttons

Similar to pins, buttons are also decorated with symbols or pictures. They are sewn into the lower layer’s side of the tunic, and are fed into holes on the other side, in order to make sure that the overlap does not come undone.

# Straps

The use of straps is less common, but is standard for active, athletic, or bandit minikin. They are used with non-overlapped tunics, ones which do not have an X-shape but simply ride down the shoulders leaving a gap in between.

Straps are used to customise the length of the gap. Keeping the V-neck design, they are used to bring the sides of the tunic together, leaving little to no gap. There is usually no more than 1 strap used, if any.

# Laces

Laces are used in a similar way to straps, only using a string to tie the gap closed on non-overlapping tunics. The laces are often fed through multiple holes and are tied into intricate symbols or designs.

# Waist-Belt

The waist belt is a ubiquitous aspect of morellic clothing. Their thickness can vary from thin to wide. Thin belts feature a buckle simply to do its job, but wider belts can feature symbols or designs on their buckles, such as metal engravings.

Waist belts are commonly made out of leather or tanned leaves, are placed atop the waistband which the undershirt is tucked into. Sometimes, patterns are scored into the belts, such as concentric lines or diagonal repeating lines.

# Undershirt

The undershirt is made up of two parts - the sleeves, and the body section. The undershirt is generally made out of elastic material and features a simple overlapping shape.

There is no gap in the centre of some undershirts, in which case the overlap is sewn into the bottom of the undershirt and buttons are optionally added. In undershirts with a gap, the gap is closed using lace, which also has many holes to be fed through and tied into intricate shapes.

# Sleeves

Sleeves are the visible portion of the undershirt, and are made from baggy material. They may be short, or go down to the wrist; they are bell shaped, flaring with pleats which are sewn closed at the end of the sleeves. At the end, one may add a cuff, or may forgo this option. There are many cuff designs:

# Tube Cuff

The tube cuff is named for its cylindrical shape. It is simply a tube attached to the end of the sleeve, close to skin-tight. They generally have two straps at their beginning and end to customise their circumference, although some only have one strap at the end.

# Ruffled Cuff

The ruffled cuff is similar to the tube cuff, only it doesn’t go in a tube shape for does it stay close to the skin. Rather, it flares outward in a waving ruffled pattern. The length of this cuff can vary from short to very long in some cases, but it never exceeds past the hand when fit correctly.

# No Cuff

No cuff simply means that the sleeve ends when the pleats are sewn together, with no continuation. This option is uncommon for arm sleeves, and is usually taken when a cuff is too expensive to add; it is a cultural indicator of poverty.

# Trousers

Trousers can be calf-length or longer, but never end any further than the ankle. They are similarly bell-shaped with pleats, like sleeves, but have different customs for their waistband and cuffs.

# No Cuff

Unlike arm-sleeves, no cuffs on trousers is much less frowned upon. It is largely the norm for trousers.

# Ruffled Cuff

The ruffled cuff on trousers is always very short. It serves as a fashion decoration to demonstrate wealth or romantic favourability.

# Waistband

In addition, the waistband of morellic clothing is always very important. It is connected to the rest of the trousers, and is usually reinforced with a stretchy, elastic material. The undershirt is tucked into the trousers and the waist-belt is put atop the waistband, helping comfortability.

# Shoes

Morellic shoes are the most alien to humans. Due to their digitigrade feet, they feature small soles and long heels. Sometimes, shoes are simply not worn. The appearance of morellic shoes can vary from boots to glorified socks. There are two sections:

# Toe Section

The toe section has a firm dome that covers the upper side of the toes, and a hard underside that protects the soles from harm. Sometimes, the firm dome and hard underside are simply missed out; this is a sign of poverty. They are lined with a soft insole.

# Heel Section

The heel section is relatively simple, it is just a piece of fabric connected to the toe section that wraps around the heel as if it were a bandage. The heel section is often tucked into the trousers.