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Last updated Nov 3, 2024

# Overview

Sorcerism is a condition that grants those affected with the ability to manipulate the laws of nature through the use of Alucinara. Sorcerism is more common than uncommon, with more than one subtype.

# Types

# Asorcerism

Asocerism is the condition of lacking the ability to use Alucinara energy. It is commonly caused by spiritual curses, or a congenital or aquired defect in the fortuitary gland, meaning that Alucinarium is unable to be produced by the body, or the spirit is unable to control the energy around it.

Asorcerism is a condition brought about by the body, as living beings’ ability to use Alucinara is limited by the effectiveness of their fortuitary gland. Thus, this effectiveness can be checked by injury, age, or by the intervention of angels or powerful sorcerers.

# Low Sorcerism

Low sorcerism is the most common subtype of sorcerism, and is the natural state of many species. This type leads those affected to have some level of control over Alucinara energy, and is commonly used for telekinesis, pyrokinesis, energy magic, and to commune with deities.

# High Sorcerism

High sorcerism, the most uncommon subtype, leads those affected to have an intense degree of control over Alucinara energy. This control can be intentional, instinctual, or inintentional, and is commonly used in order to prophesy, levitate, and cast spells more intensely, or for long periods of time, among other grand effects.

# Sorcerers

Sorcerers are those who use alucinara energy, and are commonly shamans, healers, priests, warriors, and prophets. Their place in society is commonly contextualised by their condition, and they would largely take jobs and vocations according to their magical abilities.

# Dark Sorcerers

Some sorcerers would use their powers for evil, out of faith for unrighteous angels, or for their own unrighteous reasons. These dark (and less often, righteous) sorcerers would commonly have some form of deformity from prolonged exposure to Alucinara, including phantasmarrhoea or mutations, leading them to have a crusty, bald, animalistic appearance.