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The Angels

Last updated Aug 16, 2024

# Overview

The angels are celestial beings created by the Judges to govern the elements of the cosmos. They are worshipped as parts of the pantheons of many Minikin cultures, and can be communicated with through dreams, visions, and prayer.

They differ from the Judges, who gave order to the cosmos, and so are a separate class from the Petrified Child, who descended from the second Judge, despite all being deities or celestial beings.

# Behaviour

The angels govern the natural elements, decreeing the processes they take according to the results they desire. In addition, they do favours for living beings in return for worship and sacrifice. For example, many people may call upon the angel of rain during a drought, and in return for their reverence it will alleviate their thirst.

Furthermore, they are incorporeal, and are only accessible to interact with through dreams and visions triggered by alucinara and hallucinogenic substances, which are commonly an important feature of many religions.

# Notable Angels:

  1. Using the angels’ Sarvaran names; also appears as ‘Kherelli’ in Old Sarvaran. ↩︎