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The Judges

Last updated Aug 20, 2024

# Overview

The Judges are the two celestial beings from the beginning of the cosmos who created the universe, the spirits of darkness, and the angels. The first Judge’s duty was to decree all of the laws of nature, and the second’s duty to counsel the first. However, the first judge was destroyed by the spirits of darkness, and the second Judge survived, becoming the Petrified Child out of guilt.

# The Spirits of Darkness

However, the second grew jealous, and created the spirits of darkness, which consumed the matter of the universe in their hunger, and they destroyed the first Judge in an act that triggered the shattering of the realms.

# Alucinara Energy

Alucinara Energy is the name given to the energy that houses the first laws of nature, which were overruled by the second Judge after the shattering of the realms. Alucinara energy still exists after the shattering, but is not emminent as it once was, and now inhabits the physical form of alucium, a crystalline mineral.

# The Petrified Child

Due to the second Judge’s guilt over the death of the first, it humbled itself to become the Petrified Child and charged itself with the task of destroying evil, so that no more celestials mistakes might be made like they were before.