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The Spirits of Darkness

Last updated Aug 20, 2024

# Overview

The spirits of darkness are celestial beings that were created by the second Judge behind the first’s back out of jealousy for the first’s superiority. They are made out of the energy of Darkness, and eventually became the souls of living beings, inhabiting the organic matter within their bodies (as alucinara inhabits alucium).

# Background

The spirits of darkness, created by the second judge and hidden, were afflicted by great hunger from their begining and resolved to consume the entirety of the universe’s matter. Once this was complete, the spirits attempted to consume the first Judge, but destroyed it in an act that triggered the shattering of the realms.

They were punished by the second Judge to have physical form, taking the form of hydrocarbons, as in tar and organic matter. They eventually developed to inhabit greater carbon-based bodies of flesh, but these bodies were also punished to decay and die over time for what the spirits had done.

# Behaviour

In the present, the spirits of darkness act as a form of energy that inhabits the organic compounds within living beings’ bodies, making up their soul. Memories are contained within the spirits of darkness, but are lost once a soul is permanently disconnected from the physical world upon death.

However, they can inhabit other vessels after their living body perishes. For example, shortly after death, some minikin groups contain the soul of their loved ones within soulstones, which are ornamental or ceremonial objects made from asphalt.