🪨 If Only You Set Me Free


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Last updated Aug 22, 2024

# Overview

Dragons are a diminutive amphibian species native to the wetlands of the 2nd, 3rd, and -2nd realms. They are capable of flight through the use of alucinara and mainly feed upon small berries, bark, and insects.

Dragons have many subspecies, owing to their alucinara-augmented evolution and natural adaptivity as a species. Some subspecies include:

# Appearance

Dragons have many shapes, sizes, and colours. They are generally small, but can reach sizes of up to a metre. They have 4 legs, a long, worm-like body, long, fleshy whiskers, and two large eyes on the top of their heads. Airborne varieties exhibit wing-like apparitions above their shoulders when in flight.

Water Dragons are a watery green colour, Earth Dragons brown, Wind Dragons blue countershaded with white on their undersides, Fire Dragons orange, Magic Dragons an aluciferous purple, and Electric dragons yellow.

# Life Cycle

Dragons lay their spawn in damp, wet, areas, such as ponds. Their eggs are mainly found in wet climates, such as rainforests, but it is not uncommon for them to migrate elsewhere later in life.

They begin life in a tadpole-like nymph phase in which they live in their ponds and feed upon plant matter, eventually maturing, growing their limbs, opening their eyes, and leaving the water for the first time.

Their adult phase is around a few years long; they travel over vast distances in search of food and a mate, eventually returning to their birthplace to lay their own eggs, before they pass away soon after.

# Uses

Dragons are mostly poisonous, if not unpalatable, and are thus not eaten by most groups. However, they are hunted and harvested into dyes by many minikin cultures.