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Last updated Jan 10, 2025

# Overview

Pringis, also known as Pygmy Antelopes, are a species of antelope native to the steppes and mediterranean regions of the 1st and 2nd realms. They are domesticated and used as livestock in southern Tseireph and the surrounding areas.

# Appearance

Pringis are small, around 25cm in height. They are covered in a thick coat of brown, black, and white fur. Male pringis grow two thin, black antlers for display and defence.

# Diet and Predators

Pringis are herbivorous, consuming a diet of berries, leaves, and grass. Their natural predators include wildcats, minikin, and wolfrats.

# Husbandry

Pringis are kept as livestock for their fur, milk, and meat. Pringi fur is commonly used in weaving tunics and trousers, and their milk is often seen as valuable due to the difficulty in attaining large amounts of it.