🪨 Fate


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Last updated Jan 10, 2025

# Overview

Treemice are a species of small arboreal primates native to the 1st and 2nd realms. They are nocturnal omnivores descended from Slow Lorises, consuming tree gum, fruit, leaves, slugs, and mainly insects. They inhabit the tropical and woodland forests of their respective realms, and were hunted by many minikin groups for their meat.

# Appearance

Treemice are 30 cm in length, snout to tail, at maturity, with a lorisiform body. They have short, narrow snouts, with two large eyes for seeing in the dark. They are covered in a fuzzy layer of fur, which varies in patterns of brown and whitish.

# Behaviour

Treemice are nocturnal, and are adept at travelling in the dark. They live nearby other Treemice, building shelters in the canopy out of clay which they store in their cheeks, where they and their young sleep. They forage and seek mates alone, leaving behind their companions and offspring, which they coat in a secretion which is not only toxic to predators but also alucinariferous to stun and scare predators which confusing phenomena.

# Hunting

Treemice are hunted by the minikin groups whose territory they overlap with. They are often shot with darts, leading to the hunting of Treemice becoming a sport to some minikin cultures, such as the Neth. Their meat is cooked and eaten, as it is otherwise toxic, due to their toxin glands.