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Last updated Feb 10, 2025

# Overview

Wildcats are a genus of predatory felines native to the -1st and 2nd realms. They are carnivores descended from the European Wildcat. They are medium to large in size, inhabiting the mediterranean, continental, and steppe climates of Tseireph and the other major continents of their respective realms. They were domesticated by some minikin groups, especially the Aqhorans, for protection from other predators.

# Appearance

Wildcats are generally 30cm tall at the shoulder when mature, with a hairy, nimble feline body. Their fur varies from brown to beige depending on the climate, and their teeth, fangs, and tongue are specialised for tearing and clearing meat off of bone. Their eyes are thin and almond shaped, and their cheeks are large and fatty, containing specialised fortuitary glands for offence and protection from alucinara energy.

# Behaviour

Wildcats are territorial predators who mate for life. They live a semi-arboreal lifestyle, as adept hunters who stalk in not only the branches of the canopy but also the grasses of the steppe. They are solitary, leaving the litter once they reach maturity to hunt alone. However, once two wildcats mate, they team up to protect not only their offspring, but also each other, with their lives.

# Domestication

Wildcats were domesticated as cats by some brave minikin groups such as the Aqhorans, who put them to use protecting places such as bases, fortifications, and farms.

# Diet

Wildcats are carnivores, mainly consuming animals such as rodents, including minikin, mice, rats, and rat-monkeys. By their domesticators, they are generally fed a diet of Lunuth-based fodder and rat monkeys.