🪨 Fate


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Last updated Dec 21, 2024

# Overview

Wolfrats are a species of carnivorous rodents native to the -1st and -3rd realms. They are predators descended from Grasshopper Mice, but are larger and bulkier. They are nocturnal and inhabit the steppes and plains of their homes, feeding on small animals.

# Appearance

Wolfrats are roughly 30cm tall at the shoulder in maturity, with muscular bodies. They feature sharp claws, four continuously-growing canine fangs, a sensitive, wet nose, two pointed ears, and large, forward-facing eyes which allow the wolfrat to see well in the dark. They are covered with a thin layer of dark fur across their whole body, with many long whiskers.

# Behaviour

Wolfrats tend to travel in small hunting packs, avoid bright lights such as from the sun, and have been known to use alucinara energy to cook raw meat before consumption, create strange noises to confuse and stun their prey, and hurl objects at larger predators that wish to harm their litter.

# Diet

Wolfrats are carnivores, mainly consuming animals such as insects, larvae, small mammals, amphibians, and snakes, and their eggs.