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Woolly Hogs

Last updated Nov 11, 2024

# Overview

Woolly Hogs are a species of small, woolly suids native to the 2nd realm. They are omnivores descended from the Eurasian Wild Boar. In contrast to their ancestors, they are smaller and hairier, and inhabit the forests and plains of south and southeastern Tseireph. They were domesticated and farmed by many minikin groups for their wool and meat.

# Appearance

Woolly Hogs are 25 cm tall at maturity, with a bulky suiform body. They feature a proportionally large head, with two prominent tusks. Their body is covered with thick, curly fur, which varies from soft to bristly down the spine.

# Domestication

Woolly Hogs are farmed by some Minikin cultures for their wool and pork, and are sometimes used as mounts or draught animals. They are generally seen as farmers’ companions, rather than a high-class animal, and taboo to consume raw; they are almost always cooked.

Non-Domesticated woolly hogs, also known as woolly boars, are generally larger, more aggressive, and more territorial than their domesticated counterparts. They travel in packs, with their males travelling alone or in small groups in search of a mate.

# Diet

Woolly Hogs are omnivores, mainly consuming small animals such as amphibians, insects, and rodents, and plants such as bark, sticks, leaves, vegetables, and fruit. They are generally fed by their farmers a diet of Lunuth grain, tree bark, vegetables, and pieces of meat inedible to Minikin.