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Last updated Jan 10, 2025

# Overview

Yurikhs, also known as Snoutgoats, are a species of small, semi-arboreal goats native to the 1st and 2nd realms, inhabiting the steppes and mountainous areas. They are herbivores descended from the Siberian Ibex. They are characterised by their snouts, which resemble saiga antelopes or tapirs. Some yurikhs were domesticated for their meat and wool.

# Appearance

Yurikhs are 30-45cm tall at the shoulder when mature, with a saiga/tapir-like snout, a soft, light fleece, and two short, curling antlers.

# Behaviour

Yurikhs travel in herds, and protect their young with their lives. They use their large nasal cavity as a resonance chamber, allowing them to amplify their calls across mountainous areas and vast steppes. Furthermore, they use their sharp antlers to challenge mating opponents and predators, but are more likely to flee when given the option.

# Domestication

Some yurikhs were domesticated by some minikin and Slugfolk groups, and kept as livestock, with their fur used as wool in textiles and their meat used in food. Furthermore, they were sometimes used as mounts, allowing those they trust to ride them.

# Diet

Yurikhs are herbivores, subsisting on grass, leaves, bark, nuts, weeds, moss, and fruit. They are allowed to graze by their farmers, and otherwise fed a diet of nuts, moss, and bark.