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Flora of the Second Realm

Last updated Aug 20, 2024

# Nyuta Bushes

Nyuta bushes are a type of bush native to the 2nd and 1st realms. They have red leaves and purple berries. Nyuta leaves are dried and consumed in a purple tea by many minikin cultures.

# Nyutaberries

Nyutaberries are small, edible, and purple. They have pink stems and near-white mesocarps which contain many small black seeds. They are foraged by some Minikin cultures.

# Nyuta Tea

Nyuta tea is favoured for its hallucinogenic effects when consumed in large quantities, leading the drink to have a lot of spiritual significance to some cultures. However, a drink or two won’t hurt.

# Sarqitwara Trees

Sarqitwara trees are a type of citron tree native to the 2nd and 1st realms. They have yellow leaves and orange, segmented fruit.

# Sarqitwara

Sarqitwara themselves are the plants’ segemented orange fruits. Their segments can be removed whole, and individually peeled, revealing a pithy orange-like flesh, with large black seeds within.

When unripe, the fruit releases flashes of light when disturbed, through the use of alucinara. This is to deter herbivores who may attempt to eat the fruit before it is ready to germinate.

Wild Sarqitwara are foraged by some minikin cultures, and some varieties were domesticated, such as the Morellic Sarqitwara, which began to be cultivated in orchards by the Sarvaran minikin.

# Pelen

Pelen is a plant native to the 2nd and 3rd realms. They are similar to carrot plants, only with larger, wider, red roots, and are farmed by many Minikin cultures.

# Pelenroots

Pelenroots are the large root vegetable of the Pelen plant. They are large, wide, and feature a deep red hue. They are eaten by many minikin cultures and are typically boiled before consumption.

# Pelen Leaves

Pelen Leaves are the leaves of the Pelen plant. They are large, green, and edible. They are eaten by some minikin cultures, using them similar to lettuce.

# Pelen Red

Pelen Red is a dye engineered by the Sarvaran minikin, taken from the deep red colour of Pelenroots, which get their colour from high concentrations of betanin and carotene.

# Lunaflower Plants

Lunaflower plants are native to the 2nd and -3rd realms. They feature delicate purple flowers.

# Lunaflowers

Lunaflowers have purple and pink petals, with a moon-like white centre where many sub-flowers and their seeds are kept, like sunflowers of Earth. It is foraged by some minikin cultures, eaten on their own, and pressed into Lunaflower oil.

# Lunaflower Oil

Lunaflower oil is transparent and pink. It is squeezed out of Lunaflowers and used in many situations, including anointing, cooking, and lubrication.

# Lunuth Wheat

Lunuth wheat is a grass native to the 2nd realm. It is the domesticated version of Lunuth wildgrass, and was one of the first plants to be farmed by the early Sarvaran civilisation.

# Lunuth Grains

Lunuth wheat produces small grains with hard, purple hulls. These grains are typically ground into light pink lunuth flour, or pressed into crimson lunuth oil.

# Lunuth Bread

Lunuth bread has been a staple food of many minikin cultures, even non-agricultural groups. It has a slight purple hue beside from being mainly beige and brown. It is typically leavened, sprinkled with Nyuta seeds, and eaten with lunaflower oil.

# Lunuth-based Textiles

As well as being able to be turned into bread, Lunuth is farmed by some minikin cultures for it’s long, flax-like fibres, which are turned into thread or woven into Lunuth fabric. In some regions of Qherell, Lunuth was the first plant to be used in textiles, revolutionising the craft for the Sarvaran Civilisation.

# Aqhoran Rice Plants

# Aqhoran White Rice

# Glowpear Trees

Glowpear trees are a type of tree native to the 2nd and -1st realms. Their leaves are deep green and their fruit are glowing blue. They are grown in orchards by some Minikin cultures.

# Glowpears

Glowpears are the fruit of the glowpear tree. They are similar to pears, with the main difference being their luminous, vibrant blue-cyan colour. Their juice similarly glows, owing to the presence of alucium. They are sometimes foraged by some Minikin cultures.

# Glowpear Leaves

Glowpear Leaves are the leaves of the glowpear tree. They are shiny, with a deep green complexion. They are inedible to Minikin, but serve as a vital food source for herbivorous livestock such as bushdeer, wooly hogs, and pack-snails.

# Dreamberry Bushes

Dreamberry bushes are a plant native to the 2nd and 1st realms similar to raspberry plants. They feature long, creeping branches with small green leaves and sharp thorns.

# Dreamberries

Dreamberries are small berries similar to cloudberries which range in colour from orange to pink depending on variety. They are foraged and eaten by some minikin cultures, making up a large part of their diets.

# Dreamberry Jam

Dreamberry jam is a jam made out of Dreamberries. It was first invented by the Sarvaran minikin, whom ate it alone or spread on or inside of Lunuth bread loaves, sandwiches, or baguettes.

# Dreamberry Wine

Dreamberry wine was also invented by the Sarvaran minikin, and was their preferred alcoholic drink of choice. Dreamberries got their name from the dreamy effect that drunkenness on the wine would provide the Sarvarans.

# Use

Dreamberry bushes are used by some Minikin cultures to defend bases and stockpiles. They are planted in hedges at the base of trees, walls, and burrows, warding off opportunists who may want to eat stored food or attack those beyond the bushes.

# Sparkberry Bush

Sparkberry bushes are a plant native to the 2nd realm. They have vibrant green leaves, and small blue berries.

# Sparkberries

Sparkberries are small, round, blue, and slightly phosphorescent. They are naturally consumed by electric dragons in the wild, who fly elsewhere and disperse seeds through their dung.

They are inedible when raw, and send out painful shocks when touched by most animals, including Minikin. They can however be harvested using telekinesis through Alucinara energy, and are edible once cooked.

# Elkfruit Trees

# Elkfruit

# Elkfruit Wine

# Darkwort

# Darkwort Vines

# Darkwort Leaves