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Last updated Dec 20, 2024

# Overview

Canara is a type of nut, the fruit of the Canara tree. Canara trees are native to the continental forests and mediterranean regions of the 2nd realm, being a mainstay of Morellic cooking.

# Appearance

Canara trees are medium in size, reaching up to 20 metres in height. Their bark and fruit are brown, and their leaves a muted green-yellow. Canara nuts are round in shape, similar to the appearance of hazelnuts.

# Uses

# Nuts

Canara nuts are used in Morellic cooking, with a nutty, savoury flavour. They are inedible raw, and so they are either boiled or steamed in order to make them suitable for consumption. They are eaten either straight after boiling, or ground into a paste known as Canara butter, which is often paired with Lunuth bread.