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Last updated Jan 10, 2025

# Overview

Dhajar trees are a species of coniferous tree native to the continental forests of the 2nd realm. Their wood is a common material in carpentry, especially in Coroth and the Empire of the Petrified Child.

# Appearance

Dhajar trees are tall, reaching up to 45 - 55m in height, and their diameters can reach up to 1.5 metres in width. Their trunks are generally straight, but can enlarge at the base to up to 3 metres. It is only in the canopy that the branches splay out and the needles and pinecones are grown.

# Uses

# Pinecones

Dhajar pinecones are inedible, but are used for decoration and for smoking meat. They are often found adorning Corothic structures and head dresses.

# Sap

Dhajar sap is used in Dhajar syrup, a mainstay in Corothic cooking. Dhajar syrup is sweet, viscous, brown in complexion, and is often paired with bread, cereals, and nuts.