# Overview
Dukura is a type of mushroom, a fungus native to the -1st realm. The mushrooms are a valuable food source for the cohabitant species, and are a rare, expensive part of the cuisines of many cultures.
# Appearance
Dukura mushrooms are funnel-shaped, with folds running down the cap’s underside, and the cap is smooth and covered with a beard of short hair. The flesh is dark and teal-tinted, with a bright teal glow emanating from within. When injured, the mushrooms leak a glowing teal latex.
# Uses
# Food
Dukura is used in many dishes across the cosmos. It is commonly boiled or fried and used in salads, wraps, and as stuffing within bread. It has an earthy, tangy taste.
# Latex
The latex of Dukura mushrooms is used