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History of the Morellic Minikin

Last updated Jul 31, 2024

# Overview

The Morellic race is a race of minikin descending from the Sarvaran, Aqhoran, and Corothic cultures. These cultures were forager nomads from the west, north, and east, who settled in the Sarvaran river basin due to it’s highly fertile soil and the Mora river’s seasonal flooding.

# Dyes and Colours

The main colours of the three tribes are Red for the Aqhorans, Orange for the Sarvarans, and Yellow for the Corothic Minikin. These stem from the most abundant dyes in each area, being Aqhoran Red (originating from nyutaberry roots), Sarvaran Orange (originating from dhajar tree bark), and Corothic Yellow (originating from Corothic turmeric rhizomes).

# Timeline

# 9000 YA