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Last updated Feb 10, 2025

# Overview

Sarvara (Sarvaran: ‘Sarvárą’ IPA: /sar.vá.rã/) was a Bronze-Age Morellic city located on the river Sarav in southern Tseireph, one of the most prominent cities of the Bronze Age. The city was founded around 500 years before the Sarvaran Imperial Era, and fell after around 1000 years.

# Culture

Sarvaran culture was heavily matriarchal. The eldest woman was seen as the head of the family, and inheritence would be passed matrilinearly. A woman could hold more than one husband, but polygyny was a strictly forbidden taboo.

# Political System

Sarvara’s political system was that of matriarchal feudalism. The city was led by a High Matriarch, who would grant fiefs to a caste of nobles, who would ultimately employ those of the commoner caste to work the land and pay rent.

# Religion

The Sarvarans followed the Sarvaran religion, a polytheistic faith centred around the Petrified Child and the Angels. The highest rank within the church was that of the priestesses, the only caste permitted to perform sacrifices.

Major themes of the Sarvaran religion included purity from ritual and physical uncleanliness, various food laws forbidding the consumption of raw meat, blood, and certain animals, and the veneration of women, who were believed to be granted more power over the world and their offspring than men.