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The Empire of the Petrified Child

Last updated Feb 10, 2025

# Overview

The Empire of the Petrified Child (adj. ‘Stonechild Imperial’) was the successor state to Sarvara and Coroth, situated in Tseireph, encompassing the central and eastern areas of the south. It was founded at the dawn of the Iron Age after the Sarvaran Plague, circa 2,000 AS. The Empire followed a monotheistic religion which involved the worship of the eponymous Petrified Child.

# Political System

The political system of the empire was that of an oligarchical theocracy. ‘High Matriarch / Patriarch’ was the title given to the elected leader1 among the oligarchy, who each ruled the state equally in a system of democracy. The head of the state was also synonymous with head of the church, as the empire leaned more toward a theocracy, seeking the guidance of their deity in their decisions.

# History

  1. ‘First among equals’ ↩︎