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The Nethic Minikin

Last updated Jan 10, 2025

# Overview

The Nethic minikin are an ethnic group of minikin native to southern Tseireph. They originated in the southwest, but would go on to migrate throughout the entire continent. They are named after the greater of the two equatorial lakes, lake Neth.

# Appearance

The Nethic Minikin were around 25cm tall on avergage, and had light brown skin, dark fur and brown eyes. They had fur on their forearms, lower legs, and nose, among the other areas of fur growth common to Minikin.

# Nethic Tribes

# Diira

The Diiran tribe of Nethic minikin, native to the Sarvaran River Basin, would go on to be the first farmers of southern Tseireph. They spread the practice of agriculture throughout the region, leaving behind only a genetic footprint after they were vanquished near the end of the neolithic period.

# Asri

The Asri tribe of Nethic minikin was native to the equatorial rainforests. They would go on to be the most prominent and surviving of the Nethic tribes, and would eventually found the Asri Nethic empire at the dawn of the Bronze age.

It was the Asri who drove the Sarvaran minikin out of the steppeland in search of resources during the late neolithic period, triggering the migration of the Sarvaran minikin south toward the eponymous river basin, where the Diira would be subsumed.