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Last updated Feb 10, 2025

# Overview

Tseireph is a continent of the planet Kherell in the 2nd realm. It is notable for being the source of the Morellic Minikin, and the place where civilisation emerged1. It is essentially split in half, between north and south Tseireph, divided by the equatorial rainforest, and nethic lakes.

# Geography

Tseireph is large, spanning across multiple continental plates. It has two saltwater lakes on the equator, around which are a surrounding rainforest with monsoon coasts, and to the east are a large gulf and a rainforest-monsoon peninsula; to the south are a desert, steppe, mediterranean climate, continental climate, mountains, and a southeastern peninsula; and to the north are a desert, a steppe, and tundral mountains by the coast.

# Southern Tseireph

A map of Southern Tseireph, with mountainous areas and the Sarvaran River Basin shown. The Southwestern continent is also visible in the bottom left.

# Notable Locations

  1. See Also: The Early Morellic Clanstribes.md) ↩︎