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The History of Tseireph

Last updated Feb 20, 2025

# Overview

Tseireph is a continent of the planet of Kherell in the Cadra solar system of the 2nd realm. The continent is home to many lands, cultures, and species, such as the minikin. It was formed millions of years ago, when tectonic plates converged and diverged into the landmass known in the present.

# Early History

# Paleolithic - Mesolithic Eras

Intelligent life appeared on the continent with the beginning of the Paleolithic era, or old Stone age, when squirrels developed into early Minikin. These Minikin would begin to create tools using stone and wood, use spoken language to share ideas and information, and cast spells using Alucinara. It was around this time the first religions formed, generally polytheistic or pantheistic forms of animism or zoolatry.

Alucinara allowed the thence insentient minikin to evolve cognitively and physically into more anthropoid creatures, capable of using magic to create fire, manipulate objects in otherwise impossible ways, and interact with deities. This aided the Minikin invaluably in gaining sentience as previously small, feeble prey animals.

# Neolithic Era

The neolithic revolution spelled the beginning of the new Stone age, when some hunter-gatherer groups began to cultivate and domesticate the wild plants they had fed upon for thousands of years. Wild patches turned into places of seasonal harvest, and eventually into early farms.

The development of these farms led to the creation of nearby temporary dwellings, where farmers and their families could rest and goods could be stored and traded. These became the first settlements, towns, and villages, where semi-nomadic or even sedentary communities would live for some or all of the year.

# The First Cities

These settlements faced abandonment from many factors, such as drought, famine, disease, and conflict. However, some clung on, owing to the advantages they may have had over other settlements, and expanded into the first proto-cities.

# The Diira

An example of a prominent proto-city was ‘Kaula sa-Laba’1, a Diiran settlement built upon the river Sarav, after which it was named, in the Sarvaran river basin. This city was noteable for the increased amount of alucinara in the region, which triggered many magic phenomena, and strengthened the sorcerers and prophets who lived nearby.

The Diira were a tribe of Nethic minikin native to the areas south of the Jana mountains, including the Sarvaran River Basin. They were a semi-nomadic people, and were among the first to develop the practice of agriculture in the region, spreading it through assimilation and conflict.

# The Mora

The Mora were another tribe of Morellic minikin, native to the sub-equatorial steppes. They were a nomadic people of hunter-gatherers, and pioneered the domestication of various livestock, which they spread through migration in the search for fresher pastures.

Eventually, the Mora were driven out of the steppe by the Asri tribe of Nethic minikin, which sent out war parties in search of resources following a famine.

  1. Meaning ’the city on the river’ city LOC-river ↩︎