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The Judges

Last updated Feb 10, 2025

# Overview

The Judges were the two uncreated celestial beings who created the universe. They made the original creation, alucinara energy, the angels, life, and ultimately darkness. They would go on to perish upon the Shattering of the Realms, leaving behind an heir to protect the world they created, which was the Petrified Child.

Within Sarvaran tradition, the Judges were the two moons of Kherell, Ena and Udru.

# The Shattering

The Shattering occurred after the second Judge rebelled against the first, secretly creating the energy of Alucinara, which allowed the concepts of time, consciousness, and life to exist. Living beings were originally contained within incorporeal spirits, which required to consume the cosmos to survive. Ultimately, the second Judge’s rebellion was discovered by the first, when the living beings would attempt to consume the Judges after destroying the entirety of the original creation.

The living beings had fatally weakened the Judges, who then created the energy of Darkness to bind the living beings to physical forms, which would decay and perish in the course of time, and—with the waning remnants of their energy—created an heir in the form of the Petrified Child, to protect the natural world from the actions of living beings.

Upon the Judges’ death, their energy would release in an explosion known as the Big Bang. This explosion was ultimately the trigger of the Shattering, which fractured the cosmos into 7 corporeal realms and 1 incorporeal realm. (See More: The Realms)