🪨 Fate


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Last updated Dec 23, 2024

# Overview

Darkness is an extraneous form of energy which forms the foundation of the soul alongside alucinara energy. Darkness is contained within organic compounds (hydrocarbons, tar, amino acids, etc.) and makes up an essential part of living beings, contained within the very fabric of carbon-based life.

# The Soul

Darkness interacts with alucinara energy to create the soul. Alucinara allows the dreamscape to store and recall information to manipulate reality, and Darkness bridges the dreamscape through alucinara to the body. Without either of the two elements, the soul cannot exist, and so a living being cannot be conscious.

# Appearance

Darkness lacks a solid appearance, as it is made up of metaphysical particles known as Darknons. However, in high enough concentrations, Darknons absorb light, resulting in a shadowy appearance. Darknons alone are unstable, and evaporate into thermal energy when not contained.

# See Also