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The Realms

Last updated Feb 10, 2025

# Overview

The realms are the planes of existence within which one can exist and manipulate matter, energy, and information. There are 8 realms; the 7 corporeal realms, and the Dreamscape. The realms were originally created in the Shattering - an event early in creation that resulted in the fracture of the original creation into the 7 corporeal realms upon the deaths of the Judges.

# The Dreamscape

The dreamscape is the incorporeal realm in which the Angels and the Petrified Child reside. It lacks physical form, and can be accessed through the use of alucinara energy to store and recall information, also forming the basis of consciousness and the soul.

The Dreamscape can be accessed with alucinara through spellcasting, ritual hallucination, dreams, and prayer. In some religions, only spiritual leaders are permitted to access it purposefully, and prophets are known to recieve revelations through it.

# The Corporeal Realms

There are 7 corporeal realms. The amount of alucinara energy immanent to each realm differs, increasing with intensity as one travels further from the centre. The central 0th realm contains the least amount of alucinara energy and the 3rd and -3rd contain the most.

The terms Ultra-essent and Infra-essent refer to the positioning of the realms. Within Sarvaran tradition, the Ultra-essent realms are placed higher, and the infra-essent realms lower, with height corresponding to the percieved impurity and purity of each realm.

# The 0th Realm

The 0th realm contains the least amount of alucinara energy, with only enough to support time and consciousness. This realm contains planets such as Earth, which was one of the only planets capable of supporting life within the realm. Within Sarvaran tradition, this realm is associated with the colour of dark green.

# The 1st Realm

The 1st realm contains planets such as Aandra, which was the home of the sapient species of Slugfolk. Within Sarvaran tradition, this realm is associated with the colour of orange-yellow.

# The 2nd Realm

The 2nd realm contains planets such as Kherell, which was the home of the sapient species of Minikin, which founded the civilisations of Sarvara and the Empire of the Petrified Child. Within Sarvaran tradition, this realm is associated with the colour of light green.

# The 3rd Realm

The 3rd realm contains the most alucinara energy, alongside the -3rd. Within Sarvaran tradition, this realm is associated with the colour red.

# The -1st Realm

Within Sarvaran tradition, the -1st realm is associated with the colour of darkness.

# The -2st Realm

Within Sarvaran tradition, the -2nd realm is associated with the colour blue.

# The -3rd Realm

The -3rd realm contains the most alucinara energy, alongside the 3rd. It is home to many deadly species of plants and animals, and is the place many victims of phantasmarrhoea are shifted to, making it a highly dangerous place. Within Sarvaran tradition, this realm is associated with the colour purple.