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Last updated Mar 13, 2024

# Overview

Soulstones are deposits of bitumen or asphalt where, in the presence of alucinara energy, the soul of a deceased organism may be stored after death.

# Appearance

The appearance of a Soulstone is that of a pebble or rock with a matte, rough, or shiny black surface. Over time, the surface of the stone may warp to reflect the visage or form of the soul inside.

# Behaviour

Soulstones contain the deceased’s soul by tricking the Darkness into believing that the stone is a viable body. This is accomplished through the emulation of organic compounds, due to the presence of Hydrocarbons.

# Uses

Without a soulstone, the soul of a deceased organism will flee to the Pond.

# To Store the Dead

Soulstones are used to circumvent this, as they provide a sentimental object to project the life of a relative or loved one onto. They are often kept as decorations to be kept in one’s home or mausoleum, or ornaments to be set in object such as furniture, chandeliers, or jewellery.

# To Summon the Dead

Soulstones are sometimes used to summon the dead. This can be accomplished by keeping one close during sleep, which allows the deceased’s soul to appear within the dreams of those nearby.

In addition, in the presence of dust, the soul can manifest into a Cloud Gnat. These manifestations are mute and unstable, but can provide an effective way of the soul to reenact memories or events that would otherwise be lost in death.

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