🪨 If Only You Set Me Free


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Last updated Jul 22, 2024

# Overview

Watchstones are a type of entity through which the The Petrified Child can see, giving it a greater visual range. They are made of rock or alucinarium geodes, and have stone-carved eyes and / or faces.

# Creation

Some watchstones occur naturally, appearing as eye-like shapes in rock formations. However, some minikin cultures began to create them around the minikin bronze age, with the advent of more specialised stone-carving equipment.

They were invented in Tseireph by the Sarvaran minikin, and served as one of the first examples of mass-produced items, when they were mass-produced by the Empire of the Petrified Child.

# Behaviour

Watchstones with the ability to move imprint on the closest animal, observing to see if the animal carries out an evil action or an evil action is carried out against it.

If the watchstone does observe an event that the Petrified Child deems evil, then the deity will arrive at its location to deduce wether the offending being should be destroyed, creating a baby meadow.