# Overview
Watchstones are stones1 with eyes through which the Petrified Child sees, giving the deity a greater visual field and protecting those nearby from evil. They form naturally in rock faces over time due the effects of alucinara, but some groups carve them into stone.
# Appearance
Watchstones can vary in size, from very small to very large, but the uniting feature is the shape of an open eye. They can appear in cliff faces, pebbles, boulders, and even geodes.
An animate watchstone with pure alucium eyes
# Uses
Watchstones are used by some Minikin groups as protection talismans. Thusly, they are attached to clothing, jewellery, and structures. However, some watchstones are also fitted with hinged or fabric coverings, allowing the user to commit evil acts without being jeopardised.
A Sarvaran necklace made with Lunuth fibre, beads, and two watchstones
# Behaviour
When appearing in an alucium geode, they are animate, levitating above the ground while pivoted on nearby leg-like pebbles. Animate watchstones imprint on the closest or most suspicious animal, observing to see and report to the Petrified Child if the animal carries out an evil action or an evil action is carried out against it.
Mineral aggregate; this includes alucium in crystalline form ↩︎