🪨 Fate


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Every Force of Nature

Last updated Dec 22, 2024

*So, every force of nature showed
the shattered ways the crystal glowed.

A gemstone fit to lose our minds,
that let us know such things remote; the broken ways the aura binds
the empty days that time had wrote.

This world was made to counterplot,
now earth’s inventions wait to rot.

In tangled vines the world calls out,
through all the cracks it promptly got
from days or years as shards about,
and now all order earth forgot.

And every force of nature showed
the shattered ways the crystal glowed.*

# Notes

This poem was written in 2023, and focusses on the nature of the cosmos in the book; especially musing on the existence of alucinara and the shattered realms. It was written in Iambic Tetrameter with a rhyming scheme of AA BABA.