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The Morellic Creation Story

Last updated Oct 10, 2024

# Chapter One

Before the days of our mothers, before the Lunuth was first planted, and before men and gods drew their first breaths, were all things ordered by the Judges. And the two Judges lived in the forest of Ngwasai Oskaya1. The first Judge was named ‘Udrui2,’ for it brought light to the forest, and the second Judge was named ‘Ena3,’ for it was an attendant in the darkness. And Udrui resided in the east, and Ena the west.

# The Plants and Waters Created

Now Udrui would often become tired, and would sleep in the cradle of the eastern horizon, and this would be the night. And in the night, Ena would emerge from the western cradle, to watch over and illumine the forest in the darkness. But the forest was empty, and lacked order, and was only dust. And so, when the two Judges would discuss their concerns, Ena said, ‘What is a forest?’ But Udrui had no answer, and so they discussed what a forest should be, for they were able to decree such a matter. And so Ena said, ’let stalks and flowers and leaves, all bearing fruit and seeds, to emerge from the dust.’ And Udrui made it so, and they emerged, and Udrui named them ‘plants.’ And the two saw what they had created, that it was good, and they were glad, and ate the fruits of the plants that they had decreed to emerge from the dust.

And so, Udrui went into its home, and slept, but the plants withered without the Judge’s light. And so Ena was afraid, and cared for the plants. And the Judge created clouds in the sky, that water may fall from them into the ground, and form rivers, and the Judge decreed that the plants should be nourished by the rains and the dust of the ground. And the plants lived, and they were thankful to their creators, and worshipped them. And it came to pass that the plants reached the ends of their lives at the appointed time, and let down their seeds, and their children sprouted from the ground, and ate of the dust of their parents.

# The Angels and Mountains Created

The next day, Udrui emerged from the eastern horizon, and observed the rains that fell from the clouds and the plants that worshipped. But Ena was lonely, and came to Udrui, and said, ‘Should we be the only ones to enjoy the forest? Come, let us create angels as companions for ourselves, as a testament to our glory, that they might hold dominion over the forest, and worship us.’ And Udrui made it so, and a host of Angels emerged from the ether and began to make garden of the forest. And the Judges saw what they had created, that it was good, and ate fruits with the Angels. And the Angels were glad, and worshipped their creators.

And so, Udrui went into its home, and slept, and the Angels tended to the plants in the night and the day, for they were holy in the eyes of the Judges. And the next day, Udrui awoke, and illumined the whole creation. But Ena came to Udrui, and said, ‘Is it good that all things should be kept at the same level? For you and I are holy, and yet we share our portion with weeds, and the angels, who are beneath us and above the plants, they share our portion as well. Come, let us create high places for ourselves, and low places for the least holy of the holy things we have created for ourselves.’ And so Udrui made it so, and mountains arose from the ground, reaching into the clouds that nourished the plants, for the clouds were holy. And there were left chasms in the surface of the earth, where the water collected, and these became lakes and seas, into which the rivers flowed.

# Chapter Two

# Eikomerna Corrupts Ena

Now there was an angel which was unholy in the depths of its heart, and the angel was named ‘Eikomerna4.’ And Eikomerna hid in the depths of the ocean to hide from all things holy, for it was unholy. But as Ena was walking through the forest in the night, there was a rupture in the seas, and out of this rupture emerged a cloud which carried Eikomerna. And the cloud came to Ena, and spoke. ‘Peace and favour upon you, my shepherd in the night, my Judge over the forest.’ And Ena said, ‘Hello, you who are amongst the angels of our creation, what is it you wish to discuss?’ Eikomerna responded, ‘No unholy thing, my creator, only that you give ear to my musings.’ And so, Ena said, ‘Go on.’ And so Eikomerna said, ‘Do you see it well that Judges and Angels only should enjoy the forest? No, it is no good thing, and I say that it would be a good thing that you should create living spirits, formed of the darkness of the forest, for how will the Angels see you as great if there is no ungreat thing below you?’

But Ena was not amused, saying, ‘Is your method of worshipping me to make me to falter and marr the forest with living creatures of dirt?’ And Eikomerna said, ‘Nay, but to make you to be exalted. For what is one unholy thing when there is already a least holy thing?.’ And Ena looked to the ground, saying, ‘You are right to say that there is a least holy thing.’ And Eikomerna said, ‘Yes! And what is one more creation to feed upon the least holy things, to praise you, and to stand against you–to prove your greatness?’ But Ena was angered, saying, ‘Is it your wish to sway my hand from order and greatness? Be away from me, you evil thing.’ And Eikomerna said nothing, and crawled into the dark places of the forest, and was glad, for it knew it had corrupted Ena’s heart.

# Eikomerna is Punished

And so the morning returned, and Udrui returned from the eastern horizon, and was looking over the forest, at all the things that had been made, when it saw Ena kneeling at the foot of the mountains. And so Udrui asked, ‘Why are you despondent? Is not the holiness of our creation enough for you?’ And Ena said, ‘Nay, but I am saddened by the unholy things I heard while you slept.’ Udrui said, ‘Unholy? There is a least holy thing, but no unholy thing in the forest you and I designed. Are you to suppose we have created an unholy thing?’ And Ena said, ‘Nay, for we have not created any unholy thing, but I have heard an unholy idea from the one who wished to marr our creation, the angel Eikomerna.’ and Udrui was angered, and said, ‘I will make it that Eikomerna is destroyed, and it shall be imprisoned above the clouds, condemned to burn in the night, and to be suffocated in the light of day.’ And Ena said nothing, for its heart was corrupted. And so Eikomerna was taken and condemned to burn in the night and be suffocated in the light of day, and was the first of the stars which are imprisoned above the clouds, and was the north star.

# The Spirits of Darkness Created

But because Ena’s heart was corrupted, it sat in the dark places of the forest, and was shrowded in shadow and the darkness of night. And it decreed, ‘I shall create spirits, formed of the darkness of the forest, and thus I shall name them, ‘Darkness,’ for they shall be hidden from the light, as a testament to the glory of the Judges and our creation.’ And so the Spirits of Darkness were breathed down from the ether and began to graze upon the forest, and destroy it. And Ena saw what it had created, and was glad, because it was corrupted. And the next morning, the Spirits of Darkness hid in the dark places of the forest, afraid of the light that had emerged from the eastern horizon with Udrui. And for longer than men have breathed in our time did the Spirits of Darkness live and hide in the dark places.

# The Spirits of Darkness Discovered

Now the spirits grazed upon the forest, and destroyed it when they were not in rest, for by this they were sustained. But once, as Udrui emerged from the east, and looked over the forest, it was barren, and empty, for the Spirits of Darkness had wholly consumed it. And Udrui was exceeding wroth, and came to Ena, and said, ‘What have you done?’ But Ena was silent, for it was corrupted. And Udrui said, ‘You spoke to me of unholy thoughts of angels in ancient times, and behold! This most unspeakable, this unholy thing has occurred; I see you have been corrupted. Do you think me stupid, that I should not know it was you to cause this? For no dust, no water, no plant, nor any angel could commit such an act of destruction as you have committed this day.’

# Udrui Murdered

And Ena had no words, but the Spirits of Darkness had a flame of anger ignited from within them. And the Spirits of Darkness emerged from the dark places of the forest, and Udrui was horrified, saying, ‘Are you the instruments of my companion’s sin?’ and the spirits spoke, ‘Nay, but we are your companion’s children.’ And Udrui said, ‘If you are its children, then let you inherit the guilt it gained from lending ear to Eikomerna, for you have destroyed the forest in your sin.’ And the spirits leaped upon Udrui, and battled it, and the land was overcome by darkness as the spirits murdered their god. And when the battle was done, the burning corpse of the Judge loomed from above the clouds, and there was no life within it.

# Chapter Three

# The Aftermath

Upon this, Ena saw clearly, and it said, ‘What have you done?’ For it was deeply sorrowful. And Ena said, ‘Do you suppose that you should consume me as you have Udrui?’ For it was afraid for its own life. And the spirits said, ‘Nay, for you created us. The light sought to expose and destroy us, but you lead us in the night.’ And Ena was wroth, and said, ‘Udrui sought to expose and destroy you not because it was evil, but because you are unholy, and you are the spawn of the machinations of a demon; look up to the north star, and let its fire serve as a reminder to you for the wages of sin.’ And the Spirits of Darkness were afraid, and said, ‘Surely, you would not burn us as the north star burns.’ And Ena said, ‘You burn yourselves in your iniquity.’

# The Spirits of Darkness Given Flesh

And so Ena decreed, ‘O, Spirits of Darkness, you shall be imprisoned within bodies of dust, and be subject to the limits of your flesh. Your bodies will be weakened by age, and worn down by the toil that you shall toil under the burning corpse of Udrui, that you should not starve, and thirst, and die. But you certainly shall die, for your appointed time will come, and you will burn amongst the stars, and your fire will only end once the punishment for your iniquity is complete.’ And the Spirits of Darkness were given bodies of flesh, and were beasts, and their flesh wept before their lungs first breathed.

And the host of beasts looked toward the sky, and with their first breath, spoke as one, ‘If we are to die, let our legacy not be cut off forever.’ And Ena looked down, and said, ‘Aye; I decree that a portion of you be set aside, and, as plants bore seed, you too should bear children, and your children should bear children. But you shall also suffer the agony of labour, as a reminder of your iniquity. And you shall have many husbands, and through them many children, and you shall be queens, with authority over others.’

# The Realms Shattered

Now when the Spirits of Darkness had murdered Udrui, the Judge’s power was great, and when it died, an energy proceeded from its spirit. And this energy overcame the forest, and warped the laws of nature, and thus the cosmos was so warped that it shattered into a myriad pieces. And once the spirits were given flesh, Ena took the beasts, and put them in the shattered realms, and it sowed new seeds into the barren soil of the realms, and thus emerged new plants. And as the corpse of the sun flowed overhead, the beasts had children, and their children had children, and it came to pass that they forgot their ancient knowledge, and they knew not how their mothers murdered the sun, and how they condemned themselves within bodies of flesh, and why the stars grew in number.

# The Beasts Forget, and Remember, the Gods

And so the beasts lived and died, and likewise forgot the deity of the Judge Ena and the Angels which kept their dominion over the realms. And Ena was upset, for the beasts did not worship any holy thing but the plants in their hunger, and so Ena struck the realms with a famine, that the beasts should starve. And it came to the beasts in their slumber, saying, ‘Have you forgotten the gods of your mothers? Come, enter the fields at night, and I will show you that the moon and the angels are holy.’ And the beasts awoke, and came into the fields at night, and thus the moon was full, and shining upon the fields, and fruit emerged from the ground, and leaves, and vegetables. And the small beasts leaped upon the plants, and ate of them, and they were eaten by the beasts larger than them, because their minds were limited by flesh. And the beasts looked up at the moon, and said, ‘Ena, surely we shall worship you. For you have fed us, and we remember that you and your angels are the gods of our mothers; we shall surely tell our children, and our children shall tell their children, of your holy name.’ And Ena was glad.

# Ena’s Heir, The Petrified Child, is Born

And yet the beasts lied, for they were evil; their children, and their children’s children, were not told of the gods, and they were decadent and wasteful of the plants, and of the favour of the Angels, and of the other holy things they had been given. And so Ena wept, and the beasts looked toward the sky, and said, ‘Why is it that the moon weeps?’ and Ena said, ‘You unholy things, do you not understand?’ And Ena felt guilty in its heart, for it had listened to the north star, and created the Spirits of Darkness in its iniquity. And Ena said, ‘The birth of your mothers’ souls was steeped in sin; and I was the instrument of the demon who conspired to gave your mothers born.’ And the beasts were afraid, and did not understand, and said, ‘We know not of what you speak of, Ena, but should it not be a good thing to set all things right that you have done wrong?’ And Ena gave ear, and said, ‘Aye; I shall set all things right, and humble myself, to prove the regret of my own iniquity, that my actions should also be an example to you in your own iniquity.’

And so Ena took itself, and made for itself of the stone of the realms an heir, into which it would contain its own spirit. And this child was made of stone, for it was petrified in fear of the iniquity that Ena, the north star, and the beasts had committed. And the child, which was known The Petrified Child, was charged with the duty to destroy evil wherever it should be found, and turn all that should disrespect any holy thing without cause into a dirt of life. And this dirt should bless the ground upon which it is laid, and cause the proliferation of plants, and life, and the energy that had proceeded from the corpse of Udrui. And so the Petrified Child was born, and inherited the holiness of Ena, and Ena’s former vessel, which was the moon, now loomed above the clouds as did Udrui’s corpse, which was the sun.

# Chapter Four

  1. nwasáį oskáya, meaning ‘The First Forest.’ ↩︎

  2. údrï, meaning ‘The Sun.’ ↩︎

  3. éną, meaning ‘The Moon.’ ↩︎

  4. éikomérna / éikomérnaill, meaning ‘Unholy Rain.’ ↩︎